
Sleep Positions, Subluxation, and the Chiropractic Solution

Sleep Positions, Subluxation, and the Chiropractic Solution

Sleep is an essential part of our daily lives, yet the positions we adopt while resting can significantly impact in a positive way or negative way our spinal health. Subluxation, a misalignment of the vertebrae, it can cause nerve pressure resulting in  discomfort, pain, and other health issues. Certain sleep positions can contribute to subluxation, particularly when the spine is not properly supported. For instance, sleeping on your stomach can cause the cervical spine to hyperextend, leading to neck pain and discomfort, it also increase low back pressure throughout the night. On the other hand, sleeping on your back without adequate support can lead to increased pressure on the lumbar spine, potentially causing lower back pain and if your head pillow is too high it can cause neck issues. The right sleep position, accompanied by the proper pillow and mattress, can help maintain proper spinal alignment and prevent subluxation.

Chiropractic care can play a crucial role in addressing subluxation and promoting better sleep. At Cafe of Life Chiropractic, Dr Hastings or one of our Doctors will provide sleep recommendations based on your exam and XR-rays. We can perform specific spinal adjustments to correct misaligned vertebrae, reducing pain and discomfort. By restoring proper alignment, chiropractic care can help alleviate pressure on nerves, muscles, and joints. Furthermore, our team can provide valuable guidance on choosing the right  pillow, and mattress to support optimal spinal health. If its time for a new mattress, we will all provide a prescription where you will be able to save on paying taxes in most mattress stores as it will be a medical necessity.  With regular chiropractic care and adopting proper sleep habits, you can improve their sleep quality, maintain a healthy spine, and ultimately lead a more comfortable, pain-free life.


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Reviews By Our Satisfied Patients

  • "My name is Lilian and I have struggled with back pain as a result of poor posture. I have been experiencing scoliosis and nerve aches since my teenage years. After a number of visits with two separate neurologists, their recommendation was to simply use pain medication and accept living in pain. Ultimately, I turned to chiropractic care as a final option. Looking back, I wish I could've known sooner about going to see a chiropractor. This specialized care restored my health and changed my outloo"
    Lilian G.
  • "Excellent service, they explain everything and help you to really improve, not for a simple back adjustment"
    Javier A.
  • "I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia, anxiety disorder and PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). I was in constant pain and sometimes wasn't able to do simple household chores. I had horrible fatigue and woke up exhausted every day even if I slept 10 hours. I Had migraines daily and anxiety attacks that eventually would come with no apparent cause. I was depressed and miserable. I went to every specialist: Endocrinologist, cardiologist, neurologist, rheumatologist... Some thought I was crazy and asked "
    A. Mendez
  • "Jennifer had done wonders for my shoulder. My first visit I had shoulder lock and I could barely move my arm at all. Three visits later I have full motion and I haven’t felt better. It’s pretty mind blowing what this place is capable of! Visit ASAP"
    Austin P.
  • "Amazing Doctor. She is very passionate in what she does. Highly recommend her. Her staff is also amazing. I feel great thanks to her skills and compassion. My condition with my back is 95% better thanks to her. Very impressed!!!"
    Pablo R.